Prayer Requests

Prayer needs and Praises

  • Hurricane victims in Florida, East Tennessee, and NW North Carolina.

  • Fire victims in Southern California and Western North Carolina.

  • Kim Sullivan will have shoulder surgery on March 19 on her left shoulder. 

  • Faye Ivey had hip surgery this morning. All went well. She is in recovery.

  • Michael Ivey is dealing with health concerns.

  • Ed and Linda Abercrombie’s young great grandson: his hand was smashed in car door two times and has fractured bones in right hand.

  • Sheila Ray went to emergency for kidney stones; she is now home resting.

  • Sharon Andrews as her doctor has found a mass. Ken reported that the result from the biopsy indicate that the mass is malignant. Sharon is meeting with a surgeon soon to decide next steps. Sharon may also have covid. Ken had surgery last Monday and is recovery well.

  • Mike and Chris Green. Mike has been moved to NHC @ the Trace. He might have had a heart attack as well. Chris is now home resting and recuperating.

  • Linda Ballou had a procedure done at Vanderbilt. It went well. Pack removed and she is better able to breathe now.

  • Connie Pomeroy’s mother has passed away. Please pray for her and her family.

  • Tom and Cindi Williams’ son, Kyle and his family bought a house and moved to Alabama for a new job in late December. He was laid off. Pray for Kyle, Danette and their 4 children.

  • Larry Webb’s daughter, Becky Webb Hogue has received a devastating breast cancer diagnosis. Becky is 43 and lives in Maryland. The doctors have ruled out surgery and any treatment. Pray for divine healing and for the whole family.

  • Jim Barr is experiencing a great deal of hip pain. He will have surgery next month.

  • Brittany and Rendell Mitchell. DCS has put Brittany's sister's three daughters (ages 1, 6, & 7) in their care.

  • Angelica Baker had a CT and thyroid biopsy. She has been diagnosed with cancer and will be meeting with doctors to make a plan for treatment moving forward. Please pray for strength during this time.

  • Nita Miller is now at NHC in Columbia.  Prayers that the insurance will allow her to stay past the 21 typical days. As well, please remember her husband Jimmy and her sister Rita and her husband Paul Gillette.

  • Frances Cothern fell Saturday and is back at Horizon.

  • Update from Megan Thomas: My scans look amazing!  More of the nodules are gone and the larger ones have shrunk even more. I am beyond words. We will continue with scans every 2 months, but the fact that the nodules continue to shrink and disappear is very promising.  I will consult with a thoracic surgeon just to discuss what potential surgery (in the future) might look like. My creatinine levels are a little high which isn't typical months after finishing chemo, but they are not alarmingly high, so these levels will be monitored for now. Please pray for these levels to diminish because if they continue to increase it could indicate kidney damage from the chemotherapy.  Thank you so much for all of your prayers!  

  • Brandi Maige’s friend’s grandson, Kayson is very sick at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. He is almost two years old and received a discouraging MRI test result earlier today. Please pray for the family as they are making a treatment plan. He cannot walk, eat, sleep and is unable to balance any longer.

  • John New’s cousin’s husband, Jeremy is feeling better after his reaction to chemo last week. He will see an oncologist today to determine next steps.

  • John New’s friend, Kevin from SE TN is dealing with serious liver issues and is praying to get on an active liver transplant list.

  • Jessica Shaefer had surgery to remove her gall bladder. Low energy but recovering from surgery. Next step is consultation for a thyroidectomy.

  • Jennifer Bower’s nephew, Matt (20 yr old) update: After over 3 weeks in the hospital Matt is home. Walking has improved but still limited motion in his face. He has an appointment with a neurologist. Gilliam Barre is the prognosis. Please continue to pray for healing and that he draws nearer to the Lord through this time.

  • Owen VanderHorst and his family. Owen is a Fairview High School student who is undergoing testing for possible lymphoma or leukemia.

  • Dean Gooding - brain stem stroke; recovering at home and continuing PT. Tests are still being run to find out the source of the stroke.

  • Dave Wallace’s good friend, Bill Reitmeyer who recently had a stroke.

  • Pamela Vadnie’s husband, Marlin, has been moved to a facility in Bellevue for long term care.

  • Pam Best’s cousin, Judy Betzold who has cancer has finished the first round of chemo and will start another round after Christmas. Tests show that she has tumors in her lungs and lymph nodes. Please keep praying.

  • Ruth Gagliardi has moved back to The Harmony at Bellevue.

  • Dalton Roper – brain surgery.

  • FBC Shut-ins.

Special Requests

  • Awana

  • Kid’s Ministry & Youth group

  • Sunday School classes & Community Groups

  • Senior Adult Ministries

  • Deacon Leadership

  • FBC Staff

  • FBC Preschool

Weekly Prayer Focus

Search for a new Youth Pastor. Pray for wisdom for the Search Committee.

Updated: 3/3/25